Gen Z … sometimes called the iGen

Just when we are starting to get a handle on maximizing the contribution of Millennials in the workplace, the latest group Gen Z has burst on the scene (born after 1995). There are many schools of thought about how this will impact our teams and their output. While Gen Z has some things in common with the Millennial group, there are notable exceptions. A recent study involving nearly 5000 of each group shows that:

  • Gen Z has an attention span of 8 seconds (yikes!) while Millennials attention span is 50% higher
  • Millennials prefer experience-oriented “rewards” while Gen Z is more interested in money-based “rewards”
  • Gen Z is used to being independent, leveraging technology and having great flexibility. Unfortunately, their technology “upbringing” may lead to low Emotional Intelligence in face-to-face encounters

It’s early days for Gen Z in the workplace, but they are expected to be as big an influence in both the workplace and the marketplace as Millennials. Working together as a productive team can be challenging especially as teams become more and more multi-generational. Give us a call, we can help.



By | 2018-10-30T14:33:12+00:00 October 29th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Gen Z … sometimes called the iGen